So, my cast does not come off for another week so I don't have much more to report on that front. When searching the net when I first injured myself I wanted to know what other people had gone through and what advice they could offer, so I thought I would share what I have learnt so far.
Keep your leg elevated and iced as much as possible, both after the initial injury and after surgery. This will help with swelling and more importantly pain. The faster the swelling goes down, the faster the pain goes away. Above your heart is best, but if you are venturing out just up on a chair also helps.
Keep on top of the pain. Keeping on top of it with meds is a lot easier than trying to catch up to it. I am 9 days post surgery and am only taking meds twice a day, once when I get up, and once when I go to bed. But if I feel like I need them, I take them.
You will be exhausted at first. One trip to Safeway and I was exhausted, light headed, head spins, and hot. I could only get so far before I had to sit down. But this will get better.
Vitamins. I am taking calcium, multivitamin, magnesium, fish oil and liver support tablets. The first four are all proven to help promote and assist bone and wound healing. I am taking the liver support tablets to help counter the meds and the stress they're placing on my liver.
No alcohol! I know I know, it seems like it one of the only things that can help! But, alcohol = swelling. I had 1 glass of wine on Christmas and within minutes I could feel the swelling. Not to mention meds and alcohol are not friends. It's personal choice but I am also avoiding caffeine and soda while I am healing, as there is research to support that these slow bone healing, and I want to be fit and healthy as quickly as possible. I am eating as much fresh food as possible and avoiding any processed food. Dairy, fresh vegetables and nuts is my main diet at the moment.
Without going into too much detail, make sure you are getting enough fibre to counteract the meds. I have oatmeal mixed in with my yogurt.
Showering. Tiring process! My method is a trash bag over my cast and taped on with sports tape. I then sit in the tub with the shower running. A chair in the shower is another option. It is so important that you do not get any water near the cast, particularly if you have had surgery. Water in cast = stinky, but with stitches it also = infection.
Exercise. Muscle wastage happens faster than you could ever imagine. There is not a great deal you can do for your injured leg, but quad squeezes are a must. You will be spending a lot of time sitting so these are a must. Simply tighten your quad, hold for 5 seconds, and release. I repeat this during the day constantly. This will assist your recovery when the time comes to start walking again. The more you can focus on your ankle alone the better. Also google other exercises as you can still exercise the rest of your body. This will help with boredom and health.
With all of the above I am comfortable being out and about and have the energy to do that. I am feeling good and so is my leg, so let's hope it's good news next Friday!
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