Monday, February 13, 2012


So, finally the news I have been waiting for.

Got my x-rays yesterday and they looked good. But of course not being an expert I had to wait to see what the surgeon said.

I was honest and said I had been walking on it more than he suggested, he laughed as I think he expected that, and said it had only really been for my own protection anyway.

He said that I had healed a lot faster than expected, and that I was good to go. No rules with physio, push it as hard as I can. And to wear the boot only when I go out, simply for fatigue. I can tell you right now I have not put that boot back on! I can see how I may need it if I was on my feet all day but drove to work without it today, and it feels great. Aside from a little swelling but I think that will be the case for awhile.

I am on track for my goal of heels for my best friends wedding and snowboarding by the end of March. Initially he wasn't going to have me come back but with my goals in mind I am going back for one last check up in 4 weeks.

So I think laying off alcohol, soda, caffeine, and taking all those supplements has really helped. 8 weeks since I initially injured myself and now I am walking unaided, it is simply the best feeling ever.

I see the physio tomorrow for some treatment and exercises to start strengthening and regaining movement and lost muscle mass, so shall update again after that.

Happy Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Good News

Ok, so have been kinda slack since I got back to Aus... a broken laptop plus catching up with friends and fam I haven't seen in over 12 months has kept me busy!

So I saw the surgeon, he was great, as was the news. Pretty much just explained to him the whole scenario and showed him my x-rays and post op report. He sent me off to have another x-ray right then, and then come back and talk some more.

I can't put them up as they are hard copies but the x-rays looked good. It's amazing in 4 weeks how much healing can happen. You can hardly see the break in the Tibia, and the Fibula looked great compared to straight after surgery.

I had voiced my desire to be in heels by 24th March for my best friends wedding, and back on a snowboard by 28th March, and also emphasized my dedication to recovery. The amazing news is that it's quite possible, albeit taking it easy... His response was that in most cases he would be wary but with age, health, and doing all the right things (no alcohol, caffeine, etc) on my side, I would stand the best chance.

Instructions were that I could start 50% weight bearing, and continue ROM exercises. Bad news was no swimming, PT or driving until after my next appointment mid-Feb. I suppose you can't have everything but these were all things I have been desperately looking forward to! 

Advice, when you go to the surgeon, take notes. I forgot half of what he said!

So I am going back for x-rays and my follow up appointment next Monday. My ankle has been feeling great. Working out 50% weight bearing was a bit tough. Basically the way to work it out is find a set of scales and push down until it shows 50% of your weight. This actually feels like a lot more pressure than you would expect! For the first week I continued to get around on 2 crutches, but then started experimenting with 1. First few days this was tough, but now I actually find it easier to put that 50% weight on my foot, and get around. I actually feel fine with no crutch but don't want to push my luck... The first couple of days after going down to one crutch my calf hurt at night, I think just from getting used to being used again, but now it is fine, which hopefully means it is slowly building back up again.

I only wear the boot when I walk now, I keep it off the rest of the time. A few reasons for this. Firstly I can move it more, it is more comfortable, and the heat. I got an infection in the last tiny bit of incision that hadn't healed last week, and was on antibiotics for the last week to clear it up, which it appears to have done. Apparently this is a common thing due to the heat here, bugs breed :/

So now just waiting for next Monday and another round of good news!